How to DIY Your Garage Organizing in 5 Simple Steps

Spring has sprung here in California, and we are excited to dive into some new garage projects!

Has organizing the garage been on your to-do list for months, maybe years? Does it feel daunting because you are not even sure how to get started? 

You probably have random shelving and furniture in your garage that came from your last move or a family member. I’m guessing this shelving is not maximizing your storage solutions so things are ending up on the floor.

At this point, the clutter piles are unrecognizable…who knows what's at the very bottom?

If you are like any of our clients, you are probably totally overwhelmed anytime you walk into your garage and want to run in the other direction to get away from it. The garage, and its clutter, might even be causing you to feel claustrophobic! Does this sound familiar?

Let me share with you our go-to tips and tools for getting your garage organizing project off your to-do list, helping you finally feel calm and excited to go into your garage again.

The first step in tackling a large project like garage organizing is to schedule your time out.


Unless you have a tiny one car garage and live a minimalist lifestyle, your garage organizing will take more than one day.

So put the project on your calendar and dedicate the time to reach your goals.

Now, let’s dive into the 5 steps to organizing your garage!

1.Get clear about your goals - Identify who in the family is impacted by this project. Who will need to have input and make decisions. In the organizing world we call these people the Stakeholders.

Once you know your Stakeholders, you can come up with a clear goal for the space with everyone’s input. Keep this as your North Star when you get stuck during the organizing process, because it will happen – I promise.

2.Sort and declutter by category - This is the messy part. You are going to sort all the items by category and make decisions about what will stay and go…Refer back to your goals when you get stuck. You can refer to our donation resources guide for some helpful tips on where to take your donations in Sonoma, Napa, and Marin Counties.

3.Designate a home & create zones for your kept items to live. Think about keeping things that are used often within arm’s reach and things that are used once or twice a year in a harder to reach spot. We often create a space plan for our clients so they can visualize how things will go back to together. 

We always say “like things should live together”, so create zones of similar items or things that are used together. This way, finding your items and putting them away will be much easier.

4.Maximize the vertical space in your garage to get everything off the ground -ALWAYS measure your space before purchasing any organizing solutions. For affordable shelving that is durable, we love the Metro Shelves from The Container Store. You can adjust the shelf height for the items you need to store, and it comes in many sizes and several colors.

5.Contain everything! Once again, measure before you shop to make sure your items will fit in the bins you purchase. We love these Weathertight totes from The Container Store because they are very durable and are clear so you can see what you have at a quick glance. 

Plus, don’t forget the labels. This is key to helping you maintain the system over time.

Ok, now it's time to get started! Let us know how it goes – we love to hear your success stories.

And, If you are even more overwhelmed by the thought of doing this alone, we would love to do it with you! I’m serious. We LOVE organizing garages because the process is so transformative. Book a 15-minute phone consultation so we can discuss your needs.

…Here is a little inspiration to help you make your garage dreams come true!

Be well,

Meghan LeBaudour, CPO®