Do You Know How to Build Your Organizing Muscle?

For the past year, I have been focusing a lot of attention on my health. A big part of this has been focused on building strength for the work I do – but also for my long term health and quality of life.

It hasn’t been easy. When I started, I was starting at zero. I had a major surgery in 2023 and was determined to come back stronger after my three month recovery.

I tried several different workout programs. I was seeing progress but it was very slow…painfully slow at times. But I did not give up. I told myself, “just move your body every day”. I finally found an online program that I love and it's a perfect fit for me. I have the flexibility to do it on my time. I love the workouts, so I make the time in my busy schedule to get them done.

And I am seeing results! I feel stronger, I am building muscle, and I have learned to prioritize myself and my health.

You are probably wondering…what does this have to do with organizing?

What if you could build your organizing muscle just like you can your physical muscle?

Joseph Ferrari, Ph.D. Professor of Psychology at DePaul University talks about how “We are products of our learning environment - you're not born to be tidy or messy”. He says organizing can be a learned skill! Like anything new, it will take time, practice, dedication and guidance to learn how to be organized.

Getting organized has been shown to improve wellbeing and mental health. If you are dedicated to yourself and improving your own wellbeing, you can build new organizing muscles and learn new skills to live a more organized life. It's not a perfect path. Everyone’s journey will be different, but it is possible to achieve.

And just like with building physical strength, organizing skills require learning, guidance and support. You don’t have to do it alone. Piecing together advice from social media or organizing podcasts is not going to get you to your end goal.

We love teaching our clients the skills it takes to live an organized life. It doesn’t happen in one session. The process takes time and it can be emotionally and physically exhausting. 

But the #1 thing we hear from our clients when they start to feel relief from their clutter is: “I feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders”.

I am sure you know that feeling; it's happened to all of us. What if you could feel this way about your clutter?

What is weighing you down right now? We can help you build your organizing muscle so you can feel lighter and calmer in your daily life. Schedule a free 15-minute phone consultation today to get started.

Be well,

Meghan LeBaudour, CPO®

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