Is Fear Holding You Back From Letting Go?

Is fear holding you back from letting go and moving forward? I know it has held me back at times.

I had an intense experience several years ago that I wanted to share with you. I was living in a tiny space, 180 sq ft to be exact. I called it the Love Shack, mostly because I wanted to feel loved and supported in this space I called home.

The plant in this photo was given to me by my ex-husband a few years before our marriage dissolved. It was there with me as I navigated separation and then divorce. I managed to keep it alive but it was not thriving, it was not growing at all but simply maintaining itself, much like myself.

After the divorce, I moved into the Love Shack. My little plant came with me, she fit perfectly into this little corner of my house and she made me happy every time I looked at her.

Then, soon after this photo was taken my little plant started to grow, and grow and grow.

Eventually, she got so big that I had to make the decision to give her away. She had outgrown the space I had in my tiny home for her to thrive. I did not have the heart to trim her down to fit back into my life. So, I decided to give her to a friend for her new office which had lots of space and lite and love.

But when I went to take her over to my friend’s new space I had an intense moment of realization.

She had been growing right alongside me this whole time.

I had been slowly letting go of the past, and inching towards a life I dreamed of. The letting go was of emotions and attachments to what I thought I should do or feel or be. And in this letting go I found myself growing, feeling strong, loving into what was out there in front of me. We were growing together!

In that moment of letting her go, I realized that she had been there for me this entire time of struggle, self-doubt, anxiety, and fear of the unknown.

She loved me when I was crying on the floor for 6 months after my separation, she loved me when I signed the divorce papers, and she loved me when I started to move forward and say yes to the possibilities that lay in front of me.

Saying goodbye was hard but I knew she was telling me I was ready to fly, I didn’t need her anymore, It was time to spread my wings and shine bright!

Our belongings often hold an emotional charge, which, in turn, makes it hard for us to let them go.

I see this happen to my clients all the time. When it shows up for them we stop and take the time to look at the emotions that are coming up, thank them for teaching us a lesson and try to find a tiny opening in order to let go and move forward.

We are on this journey together. Be kind to yourself on the path of letting go and know that I am right there with you if you need support in saying goodbye to the stuff that is cluttering your life.

This is what I do, so if you need help with letting go, let’s chat on a quick 15-minute phone consultation. I’d love to support you on your journey forward.

Be well,
Meghan LeBaudour

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