5 Steps for a Stress-Free Back-to-School

If you have school-aged children, then you know the stress of all the “stuff” that comes into your home as a result. I’m sure you know what I’m talking about: backpacks, books, artwork, homework, sports equipment, and more. As one of my clients said to me,

“I am a Virgo and thrive on order, but with my busy life and two kids, I can’t handle it all and things pile up!”

Life will be busy at times but it doesn’t have to feel like this. Have you ever thought to yourself, “how do other families do it?” Your life is constantly on the go and when there are no systems set up to help you create some order in your life then it can feel very overwhelming.

To ease the stress and clutter, I’ve helped many clients set up what I like to call a Family Command Center. Here are 5 easy steps to set up a Command Center of your own. Having a solution for all their things right when they walk in the door is going to be key to keeping an organized home during the school year.

Wall Calendar: a large calendar with upcoming family and school activities is an easy way to keep the week and month in check. This is something you can do as a family on Sunday nights after dinner. That way everyone is on the same page about what is happening for the upcoming week.  

Bulletin Board: a traditional push-pin or magnetic board is the perfect place to keep appointment reminders, school notes, sports schedules, and any other piece of paper that you want and need to remember and have quick and easy access to.

Coat Hooks: assign each child his or her own hook to hang coats and backpacks. Clearly label each hook so that all of the kids can be active participants in staying organized in the home. Giving young kids ownership of a task can develop positive new habits and give them a sense of ownership in the process, which builds confidence.

Shoe Storage: are you finding shoes in every room of the house? Is it driving you crazy? Designate a shoe storage bin for every member of the family right by the front door. Again, I think labeling storage solutions is one of the key elements to keeping an organized home.

Paper Storage: from preschool all the way through middle school your little ones will be coming home with paper in hand. They may have an art project, homework, or that science project they just spent a week creating, and now what do you do with it? Creating a spot for each kid's school/artwork is key. There are so many different solutions depending on the space you have and how your family functions. Sort, purge, and then store what you want to keep in another permanent location.

The most important lesson is that a new system can only be successful if you change your habits in order to maintain it.

The systems don’t just magically work on their own. You and your family as a team need to be mindful of what it's going to take to make the system a success. With my clients, I am there to help them develop those new habits and make sure that the anxiety of everyday tasks is eliminated so they can spend more time with their family.

Do you have a functioning system for your kids during the school year?

Be Well,

Meghan LeBaudour

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